GISH Softball Lettering Criteria



Our lettering criterion stresses PREPARATION and multi-sport participation. EXCELLENCE in any endeavor is impossible to achieve without hard work and dedication. We want our criteria to be based on not so much as being the best athlete, but in achieving in all aspects of the game.

To earn a letter in softball, a sophomore, junior or senior athlete must earn 180 points or more and play in at least one varsity game.

To earn a letter in softball, a freshman athlete must earn 120 points or more and play in at least one varsity game.

1. Participation in a Grand Island Senior High winter sport = 25 points ***


Grand Island Senior High winter weight training program = 10 points with 90% efficiency

Grand Island Senior High softball winter open gyms = 10 points with 90% participation

2. Participation in a Grand Island Senior High spring sport = 25 points ***


Grand Island Senior High spring weight training program = 10 points with 90% efficiency

Grand Island Senior High softball spring open gyms = 10 points with 90% participation

3. Summer program

Grand Island Senior High Summer weight training and practice = 30 points

*One point is deducted for every excused session missed

*Two points will be deducted for every unexcused absence

Competitive Softball team member = 30 points

*Two points will be deducted for every unexcused absence

Grand Island senior High Islander Softball Camp = 10 points

Grand Island senior High Islander Team Camp = 10 points

4. Grand Island Senior High Islander softball practice = 30 points

*One point is deducted for every excused session missed

*Two points will be deducted for every unexcused absence

5. Grand Island Senior High varsity softball player

The athlete plays in 70% of Grand Island Senior High varsity softball games = 40 Points

The athlete plays in 50% of Grand Island Senior High varsity softball games = 30 Points

The athlete plays in one district or state tournament game for Grand Island senior High varsity softball team = 20 points (20 points maximum)

6. Honor Roll

Grand Island Senior High fall semester = 20 points

Grand Island Senior High spring semester = 20 points

***Winter and spring athletes must finish their season in good standing to earn points and must do an excellent job of completing their “in-season” weight training program.

*As always, a player must finish the season “In good standing” to earn a letter

*Participating in a school sponsored event or activity will not be considered as an absence as long as you notify your coach.

*Other opportunities could be added as point earning opportunities and will be announced (such as additional camps).

*The coaching staff reserves the right to modify this formula in special cases, such as for players that have just moved to town or for hardship cases.

*Freshman lettering requirements will be calculated from the following items: 3. GISH Summer program, 4. GISH Islander softball practice and 5. GISH varsity softball player. They are not eligible for the following items: 1. GISH winter sport, 2. GISH Spring sport and 6. GISH Honor rolls because they will not have had a chance to participate in these items before the letters are handed out.

*Letters will be handed out at the banquet that will be held after the completion of the fall softball season.

*Players who violate the drug/alcohol policy or disgrace the program by being involved in serious criminal matters will not be eligible to earn a varsity letter and will not be nominated for post season honors: All Area, All Conference, All State Teams and the All Star Game.

*This lettering policy has been approved by the Grand Island Senior High Athletic Department.